Special Education Resources
Parent Information Relating to Special Education
Parent Information Relating to Special Education
All these opportunities are FREE unless noted.
Todos estos eventos son gratuitos excepto donde se indique.
In most cases you must register if registration information is provided.
Ongoing and On Demand events and courses follow this monthly list of events.
When other events are announced they will be posted with these at: https://fairfaxcountysepta.org/upcoming-community-events/
The US Dept. of Ed. has issued clarifying guidance that schools are obligated to provide assistive technology for students with IEPs who can benefit, and that AT support includes access to it at home as well as training for students and their teachers, providers, and a family member if needed. The full range of assistive technology is covered, from visual schedules, timers, and pencil grips to software, AAC and other devices.
Dear Colleague Letter:
Myths and Facts Document:
Plan Ahead — ADHD, Anxiety, and Social Difficulties
5 Wednesdays, Sep. 4 to Oct. 2, 11 am-noon $ varies
- 9/4: How to Run Carefully Controlled Trials and Deal with Coexisting Conditions
- 9/ 11: Side effects, Un-even Coverage, and Discontinuation Trials
- 9/18: Child-Centered Approaches to Children’s Anxiety
- 9/25: Parent-Centered Approaches to Children’s Anxiety
- 10/2: Helping your Child Experience Social Success
Register: https://www.parentchildjourney.com/excursions/
Plan Ahead — Dads Parenting Group — 13 meetings
Wednesdays, Sep. 11 to Dec. 4, 6:00-8:30 pm, Falls Church/Annandale
Buff up your Dad skills with group activities, discussion, meals, resources, and camaraderie.
Register: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/familyservices/children-youth/father-engagement
Plan Ahead — Raising Your Challenging Child — PreK to Pre-Teen
10 Thursdays, Sep. 19 to Dec. 12, 7:30-8:30 pm $ varies
This course helps parents to identify the source of their child’s challenging behavior and what to do about it.
Register: https://www.parentchildjourney.com/journey/
Building Strong Parent Advocates — Self-Paced Course
Continuing to Mon. Sep, 16, 6 hours of content
Build a solid foundation to understand the special education process while being empowered to be your child’s best advocate.
Register: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/peatc/1334984
How to Run Carefully Controlled ADHD Medication Trials and Deal with Coexisting Conditions
Wed. Sep. 4, 11 am-noon $ varies
Preview the video on this topic that accompanies registration then join the scheduled discussion.
Register: https://www.parentchildjourney.com/excursions/
Dispute Resolution Options in Virginia
Wed. Sep. 4, 6:30-8:00 pm
Learn about the various dispute resolution options, how they work, and when it may be best to use a specific option.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_40bKjR9SRU-JnzDi1XiGng#/registration
Opioid Overdose & Naloxone Education Training
Thu. Sep. 5, 10 am OR other dates & times
Be prepared for an overdose! Learn how to administer naloxone, and what to do afterwards. Receive supplies.
Register: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/community-services-board/heroin-opioids/revive
Building Independence with the TFIL Team
Thu. Sep. 5, noon-1 pm
Learn how the Arc2Independence app can be customized to help your student navigate daily routines and challenges.
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtce6qqD8jHNz6UyPkRgItKT7nmk3ecB6h#/registration
Back to School Grab Bag Edition: Building on Executive Function Skills
Thu. Sep. 5, 7:00-8:30 pm, with replay link
Learn how to establish routines that promote success, while empowering your child to own their responsibilities.
7 Simple Strategies for Sibling Support
Fri. Sep. 6, 10:00-11:30 am
Learn about issues that siblings experience and ways to minimize concerns and maximize bonds between siblings.
Champion Football League
Sat. Sep. 7, 4 pm, 1089 Utterback Store Rd. Great Falls
Individuals with special needs can partake in the thrill and camaraderie of team football. $20
Register: https://secure.everyaction.com/KOmtYd8kcEiYfwWe3s7Aqg2
Starting the School Year Safe and Calm — For Foster & Kinship Families
Mon, Sep. 9, 6:30-8:00 pm, 3740 Blenheim Blvd. Fairfax
OR Fri, Sep. 20, noon-1 pm, online OR
Mon. Sep 23, 6:30-8:00 pm, 10501 Copeland Dr, Manassas
Connect with other families, get strategies to reduce safety risks, and gain stress management tools and resources. Childcare stipend & take-home calming tools.
Register: https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/404cf5d1-b348-40ca-b92d-064038a07c35
Social Security Benefits for People with Disabilities — In Spanish
Beneficios del Seguro Social para personas con discapacidades
Martes, 10 de septiembre, 10 am
Compartiremos recursos básicos de que es el Seguro Social, como aplicar y usar los beneficios.
Registrase: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oOi6FQ1pTLOpJZysCdGl6w#/registration
How to Organize a Messy Home: Strategies for Clutter and Stress in ADHD Families
Tues. Sep. 10, 1 pm, with replay link
Gain ways to help all family members to be more organized and to create spaces to put things where they belong.
Register: https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/how-to-organize-a-messy-home-adhd/?
The Power of Engaging Families
Tue. Sep. 10, 6-7 pm
Consider your ideas of “family engagement” and how you can share with educators the responsibility for student success.
Register: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/peatc/1330651
ADHD and Concussion: Empowering Parents and Teachers
Tue. Sep.10, 7:30-9:00 pm, with replay link
Learn what parents and teachers should know about the risk and management of concussions and their relation to ADHD.
ADHD Medication Side Effects, Un-even Coverage, and Discontinuation Trials
Wed. Sep. 11, 11 am-noon $ varies
Preview the video on this topic that accompanies registration, then join the scheduled discussion.
Register: https://www.parentchildjourney.com/excursions/
Talk Saves Lives: An introduction to Suicide Prevention
Thu. Sep. 12, 8-9 pm
Suicide can be prevented. Learn how to recognize common risk factors and warning signs, and learn how to respond.
Register: https://ncactsl09122024.attendease.com
Back-to-School Toolkit: Proven Systems for Solving Disorganization, Procrastination, and Missed Deadlines
Fri. Sep. 13, 10-11 am
Get easy-to-implement solutions to mitigate each procrastination style, and communication starters to aid implementation.
Proactive and Reactive Strategies for Managing Students’ Emotional Dysregulation in Class
Tue. Sep. 17, 1-2 pm
Gain classroom management strategies for teachers of emotionally dysregulated students.
Register: https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/emotional-dysregulation-classroom-behavior-adhd-students/?
Suicide Prevention in Child Welfare
Tue. Sep. 17, 1 pm
Learn about suicide risk among child welfare-involved youth, and brief interventions to help these youth.
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JZhO_S2nRd-EEoMCL57hcg#/registration
Your Voice Matters
Sat. Sep. 17, 6-7 pm
Gain effective approaches to advocating for your children and developing a collaborative relationship with their school.
Register: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/peatc/1330651
Chat with an Attorney about Special Education
Wed. Sep. 18, 9:30 am–2:45 pm
Free 45-minute appointments are available for parents to receive guidance from an attorney on special education topics.
Register: https://form.jotform.com/242183861706156
Child-Centered Approaches to Children’s Anxiety
Wed. Sep. 18, 11 am-noon $ varies
Preview the video on this topic that accompanies registration, and then join the scheduled discussion.
Register: https://www.parentchildjourney.com/excursions/
Social Media and Neurodiversity
Wed. Sep. 18, 1 pm
Gain research updates on the impact of social media use by neurodiverse individuals.
Register: https://autism.org/social-media-and-neurodiversity/
The New Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) Participation Decision-Making Tool
Wed. Sep. 18, 6:30-8:00 pm, OR Thu. Sep. 19, 10:00-11:30 am
Learn about changes in the VAAP Participation Criteria Form, the IEP team’s use of it, and the implications of VAAP for your child.
Trauma of Separation and How It Manifests in Developmental Stages
Thu. Sep. 19, 1:00-2:30 pm, with replay link $0-$15
Consider how being separated from birth parents affects adoptees as they form relationships and their identity.
Setting Limits and Dealing With Dramatic Resistance
Fri. Sep. 20, 10:00-11:30 am
Learn how to avoid and deal with dramatic reactions in a way that boosts your influence and your child's resilience.
Collaboration: Building Successful Home and School Support Teams
Fri. Sep. 20, 10:00-11:30 am, OR 7:00-8:30 pm
This training is for families of children receiving ABA at school.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Sat. Sep. 21, 10 am-noon, 3060 Williams Dr. Fairfax
What AAC is and how it can support communication.will be covered in this Arc of NOVA Transition Support Group meeting.
Register: https://arcofnva.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/arcofnva/eventRegistration.jsp?event=8495&
Talk Saves Lives: An introduction to Suicide Prevention
Sun.. Sep. 22, 4-5 pm
Suicide can be prevented. Learn how to recognize common risk factors and warning signs, and learn how to respond.
Register: https://ncactsl09222024.attendease.com
Wrightslaw Education Law and Advocacy Conference
Tue. Sep. 24, 8:00 am-4:30 pm, $170-$230 includes 3 books
Learn about special education law, rights and responsibilities, tests and measurements, SMART IEPs, and advocacy.
Register: https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/24.09.md.htm
Learning From Those with Lived Experience with Suicidality
Tue. Sep. 24, 1 pm
Learn from a panel discussion with an adoptee, birth parent, and adoptive parent sharing their lived experiences about suicidality.
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UpFW4mwdT1WfJ3rD37AgVg#/registration
Parent-Centered Approaches to Children’s Anxiety
Wed. Sep. 25, 11 am-noon $ varies
Preview the video on this topic that accompanies registration, and then join the scheduled discussion.
Register: https://www.parentchildjourney.com/excursions/
Wellbeing Wins: Integrating Positive Psychology into the Autism Community
Wed. Sep. 25, 1 pm
Learn about the benefits of the science and skills of happiness for individuals with autism and their families.
Register: https://autism.org/positive-psychiatry/
Plan Ahead — Collaborative & Proactive Solutions — 1-2 Day Training
Thu. Oct. 3 & Fri. Oct. 4, 9:45 am-5:15 pm $ varies
Gain an overview of the CPS model including the use of assessments and problem solving.
Register: https://livesinthebalance.org/workshops-and-trainings/#schools
Plan Ahead — Raising Your Challenging Child — PreK to Pre-Teen
10 Wednesdays, Oct. 9 to Dec. 11, 11 am-noon $ varies
This course helps parents to identify the source of their child’s challenging behavior and what to do about it.
Register: https://www.parentchildjourney.com/journey/
Ongoing and On Demand Classes
ADHD @ School: Top 10 Hurdles to Learning with ADHD
This 10-part self-guided course equips caregivers and students with effective solutions to the specific academic and behavioral challenges associated with ADHD
Register: https://www.additudemag.com/download/adhd-new-school-year-for-parents/
The Arc@School Advocacy Curriculum $99 for 6 months
Build your special education knowledge, know the law, and learn to advocate for the services your child needs.
Purchase: https://thearcatschool.org/advocacy-curriculum/?
Dyslexia & the IEP: How to Make Sure the IEP Is in Tip-Top Shape
24/7 Access: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frehRL58UTs
NAMI Basics
This 6-session course is for adults who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms (including ADHD and ASD).
Register: https://www.nami.org/support-education/mental-health-education/nami-basics/
Children’s Challenging Behaviors
This 6-hour workshop focuses on children’s challenging behaviors, mental health conditions, special education, and advocacy skills. Register: https://nami-northernvirginia.org/support-and-programs/for-families-and-loved-ones/childrens-challenging-behaviors/
Collaborative & Proactive Solutions — 2 Day Training
Gain an overview of the CPS model including the use of assessments and problem solving. $179
Register: https://cpsconnection.com/virtual-and-in-person-trainings/
The Parent Playbook — 9 Module Online Course on Autism
From the VCU Autism Center for Excellence & Virginia Autism Council. An introduction on Autism Spectrum Disorder for families, including tips for caregivers, characteristics, interventions and recommended programs and services.
Access: https://vcuautismcenter.org/te/courses/parent_playbook.cfm
Two 9-1-1 Pre-Notification Programs Are Now Available
Both allow prior registration so that first responders will be aware of the special needs of individuals at the scene.
Fairfax County Emergency Health Profiles
Ongoing medical and behavioral health conditions can be included, along with emergency contact information.
Fairfax County Community Connect
The special needs of individuals, and information about pets and your residence can be included with emergency contacts.
Support Groups for Parents
All these support groups are open to newcomers, and they are free, except where noted. No diagnosis is required to participate. Participants are typically given the opportunity to share their story, experience support, and glean guidance (as desired) from group members regarding both community and school resources. Confidentiality is to be respected.
AAC Parent Group meets occasionally on Saturdays. Contact: Amanda amandam@skillbuildersllc.com or 703-941-7757 ext. 316
African American Culturally Focused Virtual Parent Café meets Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm. Register at least 24 hours in advance by email BuildingStrongerFamilies@fairfaxcounty.gov or 703-324-7720
Alpha Moms support group for adoptive parents meets monthly in McLean. Contact: robin4brady@gmail.com
Arlington Epilepsy Support Group, a list-serve, can be accessed at ARLepilepsy@googlegroups.com
Autism Dads meets one evening monthly. Contact: George Buzby at 571-419-1257 or gbuzby@aol.com
Autism Society of NoVA Parents and Caregivers meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7-8 pm via Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9466001682#success Meeting ID: 946 600 1682; One tap mobile (301) 715-8592
Autism Society of NoVA padres y proveedores de cuidado del grupo de apoyo en españo se reúne el segundo sábado de cada mes de 1 a 2 pm en ServiceSource, 10467 White Granite Dr. Oakton. Estacione en la parte de atrás. Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a director@asnv.org .
Business Networking Event for Special Needs Parents
Alternate Fridays, May 29 and following, 9:00-10:30 am Via Zoom. Connect with fellow special needs parents and business owners, build your referral network, and share best practices. Contact: https://thearcofloudoun.org/networking/
Cafés Virtuales Para Padres: Miércoles de 7:00-8:30 pm. Regístrese con al menos 24 horas de anticipación: BuildingStrongerFamilies@fairfaxcounty.gov o 703-324-7720
CHADD: Children & Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Alexandria CHADD Parent Support Group 4th Mon. of each month at 6:30 pm. Contact: Susan, ADHDParentMountVernon@gmail.com or call 303-903-9972.
West Fairfax/Burke CHADD Parent Support Group 1st & 3rd Thur. of each month at 8:00 pm Contact: Cathy, ocgreulich@aol.com
CSB Family Support Group at Gatlan Center 2nd and 4th Wed. of each month 6:00-7:30 pm via Zoom Contact: Samar.Chwairy@fairfaxcounty.gov or call 703-799-2882.
D.A.D.S. Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome 3rd Tue. each month, 7-9 pm via Zoom. Contact: George gbuzby@aol.com or call 703- 545-6089.
Dr. Dan’s Support Group for Parents Raising Challenging Children meets via Zoom on Mondays, 1-2 pm, Register: https://www.parentchildjourney.com/excursions/
Embark in the DC Metro Parent Support Group is for parents of children and youth with mental health challenges. It meets virtually on alternate Thursdays, noon-1 pm. Register: https://www.embarkbh.com/event/dc-metro-virtual-parent-support-group/
Fairfax Juvenile Court Parent Support for problems including runaway behavior, truancy, alcohol/drug abuse, and serious behavioral problems at home, at school, or in the community. Sign up for a phone consultation at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a44abab29abf85-juvenile
Formed Families Together hosts monthly peer support groups for adoptive, kinship, and foster caregivers and parents. Virtual support group meets the 1st Sunday evening monthly. In-Person support group meets the 3rd Wednesday evening monthly. Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/formed-families-together-support-groups-tickets-147657582805
Foster the Family Support Group for foster and adoptive moms meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 6:30-8:00 pm in Falls Church. Childcare is provided. Register: https://www.fosterthefamilydc.org/supportgroups
Grupo de educación y apoyo a padres en español se reúne el cuarto sábado de cada mes, de 10 a 11 am en Zoom en https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9466001682 ID de reunión: 946 600 1682
Grupo de apoyo para madres de habla hispana de niños con autismo se reúne mensualmente en línea y está patrocinado por Johns Hopkins Medical Center. Contacto: mariposas.autismo@gmail.com
Hablemos educación especial es un grupo de discusión de padres de habla hispana y de un estudiante autista. Se reúnen virtualmente el primer miércoles de cada mes de 7:00-7:45 pm Registrarse: https://xminds.org/event-4522635
Infinity ABA Parent Connect, for families with a child with autism, meets online on the 2nd Thursday monthly at 7:00-8:30 pm. Guest speakers, discussions, and resources. Register: https://www.infinityaba.com/events/
Kinship Café meets online 6:30-8:00 pm the 1st Wednesday of the month for those raising the children of relatives and friends. To attend, call 703-324-7720 or email BuildingStrongerFamilies@fairfaxcounty.gov
Mesothelioma Veterans Center resources on talking to kids about cancer: https://www.mesotheliomaveterans.org/veterans/talking-to-kids-about-cancer/
Military Families Support Group meets the 3rd Tuesday monthly at 7-8 pm for families of all disabled dependents. Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9466001682#success OR Email director@asnv.org for details
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness builds better lives for affected families.
Arlington Parent Support Group meets two Sundays a month at 7:00-8:30 pm. Contact: Michelle Best mczero@yahoo.com
NAMI Family Support Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays on Zoom for parents of children living with mental health challenges including ADHD, ASD, etc. https://zoom.us/j/94509229914
NAMI Parent & Caregiver Support Group meets on the 4th Thursday monthly. Email namicva.org or call 804-285-1749
NOVA Adopt Friends Parent Peer Support Group for adoptive parents meets on the 3rd Thursdays monthly 6:00-7:30 pm. Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5687947368
OCD Family Support Group meets the 1st Mon. of each month, 7:30 pm. Contact: ela.mike@verizon.net or call 202-215-5859
Parent Café (for all Fairfax County parents and guardians) meets via Zoom in English on Mon., 7:45-9:15 pm, and en español, miércoles, 7:00-8:30 pm. Register at least 24 hours in advance by email BuildingStrongerFamilies@fairfaxcounty.gov or 703-324-7720
Parents of Autistic Children (POAC-NOVA) Support Group meets in-person the 1st Saturday monthly at 10:00-11:30 am. RSVP to supportgroup@poac-nova.org to learn the current location.
People of the Global Majority is a discussion group for BIPOC parents of children with autism. They meet virtually on the 1st Monday monthly at 7:00-7:45 pm. Register: https://xminds.org/event-4534279
REACH Parent Support Group meets monthly to support parents of individuals with developmental disabilities who also have mental health or behavioral issues. Contact: Dr. Pourmand mojgan.pourmand@eastersealsucp.com health
Small Steps Together is a discussion group for parents of preschool and elementary children with autism. They meet virtually on the 4th Monday monthly at 7:00-7:45 pm. Register: https://xminds.org/event-4778134
Virginia Family Network Book Club for parents and caregivers of children living with mental health challenges meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7 pm. Contact Nicole Anjum at nanjum@namivirginia.org .
Virginia Family Network Parent Meetup is on the 1st and 3rd Fridays at 8 pm for parents/caregivers of children with mental health challenges. Contact Nicole Anjum at nanjum@namivirginia.org